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  • DIRETORIA | ceprolsindicato

    CEPROL BOARD UNION OF LEOPOLDENS MUNICIPAL TEACHERS MANAGEMENT 2022/2023 PRESIDENTE Cristiane Maria Mainardi VICE-PRESIDENTE Rosi Lopes Petersen TESOUREIRO Felipe Diego da Silva 1° SECRETÁRIO Rodrigo Blasckesi Fernandes 2° SECRETÁRIO Alexandre Ausani Huff 2° TESOUREIRO Sandra Maria Martins Lisboa SUPLENTE Daisy Falconi SUPLENTE Patrícia Regina Rodrigues Guterer SUPLENTE Marmy Luzy Margorett da Silva SUPLENTE Margarete Gomes Gonçalves FISCAL COUNCIL UNION OF LEOPOLDENS MUNICIPAL TEACHERS MANAGEMENT 2022/2023 CONSELHO FISCAL Mara Marcia Cardoso CONSELHO FISCAL Daniela Adriana de Araujo CONSELHO FISCAL Neusa Marlene Siqueira

  • PARCEIROS | ceprolsindicato

    PARTNER COMPANIES AND PROFESSIONALS segunda a Sexta 08h15 às 11:3h 13h15 às 18h sábados das 09h às 11h PAYROLL DISCOUNT PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 A bre às 09h PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 A bre às 09h PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 A bre às 09h PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00

  • CONVÊNIOS | ceprolsindicato

    EMPRESAS E PROFISSIONAIS PARCEIRO S segunda a Sexta 08h15 às 11:3h 13h15 às 18h sábados das 09h às 11h PAYROLL DISCOUNT PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 A bre às 09h PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PAYROLL DISCOUNT SÃO LEOPOLDO GYMNASTICS SOCIETY ​ ​ Rua José Bonifacio, 698 Phone 35921605 Would you like to speak with: Sociedade Ginástica São Leopoldo opening hours Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 2pm to 6pm PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PAYROLL DISCOUNT FREUDIAN CLINICAL ASSOCIATION Rua Lindolfo Collor, 957 São Leopoldo - RS Phone 3592 8893 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 A bre às 09h PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00 PW INFORMATICS Rua Corte Real N 189 – Room 21, Scharlau neighborhood, São Leopoldo/ RS Phone 3091-0010 ç ​ Opening hours from Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 11:30 and from 13:15 to 18:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00

  • EVENTOS | ceprolsindicato

    FESTA ceprol hour lançamento da revista CEPROL EM AÇÃO E O CEPROL HOUR BOMBOU! Na noite dessa quinta-feira (01/12), o CEPROL sindicato realizou sua tradicional confraternização de final de ano com a Edição Boteco. Um grande número da categoria veio pra prestigiar a festa e se encontrar, superando as nossas expectativas. Estávamos precisando desse encontros pois fazia muito tempo que a gente não se divertia juntas! O evento foi maravilhoso e contou com DJ, música ao vivo, petiscos, drinks, lembrancinhas, dança, risada, alegria, abraços e muitas recordações. Sobrou animação e muita energia positiva! A alegria de nos encontrar nos anima a lutar! Que venha 2023! Boas festas! Algumas imagens dos MOMENTS da festa que fecha o ano com chave de ouro! ​ CURTE AS fotoS DA FESTA! CEPROL HOUR EDIÇÃO BOTECO DE FINAL DE ANO ​ A confraternização de final de ano de 2022 ocorrerá num formato diferente dos últimos anos. No dia 01/12 (Quinta-feira), a partir das 17h30, a direção do CEPROL irá proporcionar aos seus e suas associadas um CEPROL HAPPY HOUR na sede recreativa da Sociedade Ginástica. Será um encontro no estilo Boteco, à beira das piscinas do clube, regado a petiscos, bebidinhas e música ao vivo. Será distribuído o famoso brinde de final de ano e haverá o lançamento da revista CEPROL EM AÇÃO. ​ Vamos lá, professores confirmem presença pelo whats:51 99378 1262 #CeprolSomosNós Exposição Itan "A Criação do mundo na versão Yorubá" está aberta para visitação na Galeria Liana Brandão, Centro Cultural José Pedro Boessio, em São Leopoldo. A Exposição retrata a narrativa do povo africano quanto a suas crenças, ícones e cosmovisão tendo o foco na criação do mundo através das entidades conhecidas como Orixás. A narrativa textual é da Indiara Tainan e as ilustrações do Jader Santini. O período expositivo vai de 09 de setembro a 24 de setembro, sempre de segunda a sexta-feira, das 09h às 17h.

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  • Cópia: EVENTOS | ceprolsindicato

    CEPROL HOUR EDIÇÃO BOTECO DE FINAL DE ANO ​ A confraternização de final de ano de 2022 ocorrerá num formato diferente dos últimos anos. No dia 01/12 (Quinta-feira), a partir das 17h30, a direção do CEPROL irá proporcionar aos seus e suas associadas um CEPROL HAPPY HOUR na sede recreativa da Sociedade Ginástica. Será um encontro no estilo Boteco, à beira das piscinas do clube, regado a petiscos, bebidinhas e música ao vivo. Será distribuído o famoso brinde de final de ano e haverá o lançamento da revista CEPROL EM AÇÃO. ​ Vamos lá, professores confirmem presença pelo whats:51 99378 1262 ​ #CeprolSomosNós Exposição Itan "A Criação do mundo na versão Yorubá" está aberta para visitação na Galeria Liana Brandão, Centro Cultural José Pedro Boessio, em São Leopoldo. A Exposição retrata a narrativa do povo africano quanto a suas crenças, ícones e cosmovisão tendo o foco na criação do mundo através das entidades conhecidas como Orixás. A narrativa textual é da Indiara Tainan e as ilustrações do Jader Santini. O período expositivo vai de 09 de setembro a 24 de setembro, sempre de segunda a sexta-feira, das 09h às 17h.

  • GALERIA | ceprolsindicato

    unionize IMAGES RECORD HISTORY Navegue nas imagens do CEPROL Sindicato. São mais de 30 anos de lutas em defesa do magistério municipal e do serviço público de qualidade. ceprol sindicato dos professores municipais leopoldenses_edited ceprol CEPROLFOTO8_edited ceprol sindicato dos professores municipais leopoldenses_edited 1/22 IMAGENS DO I CONCEPROL 2022 Browse the images of CEPROL Sindicato. There are more than 30 years of struggles in defense of municipal teaching and quality public service. Abertura I Conceprol 2022 Presidenta do Ceprol Cristiane Mainardi Abertura I CONCEPROL 2022 Gilnei Santos Instituto Palavrações I Conceprol 2022 - dia10 DE SETEMBRO EMEF Maria Gusmão Britto Abertura I Conceprol 2022 Presidenta do Ceprol Cristiane Mainardi 1/36

  • CONSELHO FISCAL | ceprolsindicato


  • DOCUMENTOS | ceprolsindicato


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    A Nova coleção

  • AGENDA | ceprolsindicato

    I CONCEPROL 09/10 DE SETEMBRO 2022 AGENDA CEPROL 2022 HOJE 1. Manhã: Dirigentes do Ceprol Sindicato mantém a agenda Pré-Congresso Conceprol/ 2022 com visitações às escolas municipais de São Leopoldo para divulgação, debates e resoluções. ​ 2. 17:15 Dirigentes do Ceprol Participam de Reunião Administrativa Pedagógica da EMEF Rui Barbosa. AGENDA DA SEMANA/JUNHO 13 de junho Segunda-feira MAIS UM DIA DE VISITAS NAS ESCOLAS. O CEPROL agradece o Mimo recebido da EMEI Sonho Nosso. A plantinha já está entre amigas aqui na Sede. Gratidão 🙏🏽 colegas! 21 de junho Terça-feira 1. 14 de junho Terça-feira Manhã: VISITA AO CME/SL - Nesta manhã (14/06), o CEPROL esteve no CME/SL para divulgar o I CONCEPROL. ​ 15:00: A direção do CEPROL participou do ato de anúncio do pagamento da 1ª PARCELA do 13° SALÁRIO aos SERVIDORES MUNICIPAIS no gabinete do prefeito Ary Jose Vanazzi. Estiveram presentes o prefeito municipal, secretários e representantes das entidades sindicais. 22 de junho Quarta-feira 1. 20 de junho Segunda-feira 1. Manhã: Dirigentes do Ceprol Sindicato mantém a agenda Pré-Congresso Conceprol/ 2022 com visitações às escolas municipais de São Leopoldo para divulgação, debates e resoluções ​ 2. 17:15 Dirigentes do Ceprol Participam de Reunião Administrativa Pedagógica da EMEF Rui Barbosa. 23 de junho Quinta-feira 1. 24 de junho Sexta-feira 1. AGENDA MENSAL 2022 JUNHO JULHO AGOSTO SETEMBRO OUTUBRO NOVEMBRO DEZEMBRO

  • LUTAS E CONQUISTAS | ceprolsindicato

    OUR STRUGGLES AND ACHIEVEMENTS CEPROL SINDICATO emerged from the need to organize teachers who experienced the precariousness of education in the municipality, and from the contributions of state leaders, such as Professor Paulo Egon - former president of CPERS, who started the debate in order to defend the category. In the administration of Mayor Waldir Schmidt, in 1983, the 1st Meeting of the Municipal Public Teaching Commission took place, with the purpose of organizing the Center for Leopoldenses Teachers. ​ Foundation of the Center for Leopoldenses Teachers - CEPROL The following year, in 1984, the Centro dos Professores Leopoldenses - CEPROL was founded. In this period, public servants were unable to organize themselves through unions, and this right was granted in 1988, with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution. ​ The First Challenges Fight for better working conditions; Guarantee 2.5 minimum wages; Mobilization of teachers, who organized themselves in a week "Operation Turtle", to face the government and demonstrate the strength of the category. ​ The 1980s were remarkable For the approval of the Teaching Career Plan; The first direct election for school principals (1985); The first strike by Leopoldense teachers (1986), lasting 33 days; In 1986, teachers demanded 2.5 minimum wages and the anti-democratic policy of the municipal government fired 13 striking teachers, who were readmitted through our Struggle; In 1986 we won admission to the municipal teaching profession through a Public Contest; In 1987, the General Strike was launched by the CUT, which had the highest number of adhesions by the civil service in the history of Brazil, reaching 75%. In São Leopoldo, CEPROL actively participated in this movement. Promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988 After the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, several Centers and Associations were transformed into unions, including CPERS, ASSUFRGS and CEPROL. ​ In 1990 CEPROL obtains the Trade Union Registration On September 13, 1990, CEPROL obtains the registration of SINDICATO DOS TEACHERS MUNICIPAIS LEOPOLDENSE. ​ ​ In the same year, there were 34 days of strike by the monthly IPC, and mobilization calling for the impeachment of Mayor Olímpio Albrecht; ​ The 1990s were remarkable For the passage of the CLT Regime to Statutory with the approval of the Statute of Municipal Servants and the Magisterium. The fight was for the replacement of salary losses and for a base date, which was defined in 1977, for June of each year; Studies were carried out on the Health Plan for civil servants (shelved by the municipal executive); In 1998, the Municipal Council for Monitoring and Social Control of FUNDEF (COMFUNDEF) was created. IAPS is experiencing a crisis and CEPROL defends the Institute. 2000s - turn of the millennium In the administration of Mayor Wladir Schmidt, The First Contest for Teachers of Early Childhood Education took place, in which the day care centers changed from an assistentialist nature to become educational institutions; A new Career Plan for the Magisterium of São Leopoldo was studied by a commission, however, these studies were not considered by the administration. ​​ CEPROL fought for the approval of the new Career Plan (Law 5,050 of December 26, 2001) and for the election of director in Early Childhood Education schools. ​ CEPROL defines several actions in defense of democracy I instituted in 2003, the Committee in defense of democratic public schools - " To elect school directors is my right"; With a project of popular initiative, CEPROL carried out several movements around the city, being forbidden to demonstrate and occupy the streets. Even so, he faced the dictatorship imposed by the administration, and continued with demonstrations in defense of democracy and with the collection of signatures for the Director Elections Project. In the same year, the first unified strike of municipal civil servants was organized, and the CEPROL leadership took the lead in their defense. During this period, the direction of CEPROL worked with the population of Leopoldo constituting the Forum Against Corruption, which aimed to inspect the process of canceling the mandates of councilors in the case of Fitas . At the end of the process, 4 councilors and 2 alternates from the municipal government base were removed from office (Fernando Henning, Jorge da Silva, Hamilton Silva, Valmor Tavares, Fernando Fusquini and Juvenal Garcia). ​ CEPROL Sindicato celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2004 In 2004, in celebration of the entity's 20th anniversary, CEPROL Sindicato promoted several actions and launched its first website, magazine and stamp alluding to the celebrations. ​​ Among the actions of this period, it brought together all the former presidents and professors who were part of the commission that founded CEPROL, with the aim of rescuing history and celebrating the entity's 20th anniversary. Debate between candidates for mayor of São Leopoldo In 2004, CEPROL Sindicato promoted the debate at Unisinos among the candidates for mayor of São Leopoldo : Waldir Schmidt, from the Leopoldense Democratic Union (PMDB-PPS-PP-PSC-PFL-PDT), who did not attend; Ary Vanazzi, from the Popular and Humanist Front (PT-PHS-PCdoB-PSB-PV-PL); Ronaldo Ribas, from the Social Labor Front; Sergio “Serginho” de Ávila, from PSTU; Mário D'Ávila do Prona, who did not attend. Resumption of Direct Elections for School Directors of Municipal Education Networks It was discussed at a meeting held at CEPROL, with the elected mayor Ary Vanazzi, who supported the project, and as the government's first action, it forwarded to the City Council the project described by the Municipal Committee in Defense of Public and Democratic Schools, which advanced to Elections in Kindergarten schools, management teams and voting throughout the school community. In 2005, resumption of the demands The union's management rescues the demands repressed throughout the entity's history. Guidelines that, after organization of the category, are approved by the executive. Among them, the following stand out: The feeding program; Health insurance; Salary loss replacement policy; Equivalence and isonomy among teachers. ​ 1st Education Seminar Also in 2005, CEPROL held the 1st Education Seminar - " A New School in Our Hands" , with the contribution of the Paulo Freire Institute – IPF. ​ 2006 - Public Policy Debates In 2006, several activities took place, with the objective of debating and implementing public policies for education and improvement of democratic management, such as: ​ The debate on the creation of the Municipal Education System; Plenary meetings to review the Statute of Public Servants; Evaluation of the Teaching Positions and Careers Plan and creation of CIPA - Internal Commission for Accident Prevention. ​ 2nd Education Seminar In 2006, CEPROL held the 2nd Education Seminar - "A New School in Our Hands" , and had the illustrious presence of Professor Moacir Gadotti, director of the Paulo Freire Institute, in São Paulo, talking about Educating for an Other Possible World . The Education Seminar featured several workshops to discuss the role of schools in the face of new challenges imposed by society. ​ Permanent Forum on Early Childhood Education - FORPEI/SL Also in 2006, the Permanent Forum on Early Childhood Education (FORPEI/SL) was created as a space for studies and debates on policies and projects aimed at Early Childhood Education, involving the union, society, governmental and non-governmental institutions, Universities and all those who articulated in defense of childhood. The FORPEI meetings aimed to share knowledge, reflect on practices and build public policies for Early Childhood Education, with the basic principles of integrating into movements for discussions on Early Childhood Education, such as the Gaucho Forum for Early Childhood Education (FGEI) and the Movimento Brazilian Child Education Interforums (MIEIB); Guarantee the child's right to access public education systems, in accordance with the Legislation (Federal Constitution, ECA and LDB); Defend the participation of the school community in the elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project; Discuss improvements in Early Childhood Education; Define career policies and dignified remuneration, qualification and valorization, and continuous training for professionals who work with children in this age group. ​ In 2007 - Seminar on Planning Positions and Careers In 2007, among the agendas of demands was the alteration of the Positions and Careers Plan and, to support the debate, a Seminar was held on the subject, with the collaboration of Rejane de Oliveira - Secretary of Legal Affairs of the National Confederation of Workers in Education (CNTE) and vice president of the CPERS Union. In 2008 - Approved and Law of Positions and Career Plan On March 24, 2008, Law 6,573 was approved, which established the Plan for Positions and Careers for Education Workers - teachers. It instituted the respective framework of positions and makes other provisions. The implementation of 180 days of maternity leave was achieved; The Law establishing the National Salary Floor (R$ 950.00) was approved, Law No. 11,738, of July 16, 2008, which regulates item “e” of item III of the caput of art. 60 of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, to establish the national professional salary floor for professionals in the public teaching profession of Basic Education. In 2009, it guaranteed rights and expanded achievements The union's management led several debates on topics relevant to quality education and continued to guarantee rights and expand achievements for the category. Between them: The implementation of the Permanent Negotiation Table; Definition of the salary loss calendar, providing real gain to education professionals; Reduction of the burden for professionals who have children with disabilities. In 2010, the 4th Education Seminar was held In 2010, the 4th Education Seminar was held - A new school in our hands . The Union operates and promotes workshops to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the World Social Forum. CEPROL Sindicato, in this period, constituted the Forum of Unions, with the objective of unifying the struggle in defense of the public service, and also strongly initiates State and National debates, actively participating in education conferences, integrating the RS Committee of National Campaign for the Right to Education and affiliating to entities such as FEMERGS, later to the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT). In 2011 In 2011, the municipal administration, whose mayor was Ary Vanazzi (PT), presented a proposal of 18.57%, divided into two years. In a unified General Assembly, the proposal was rejected, resulting in mobilizations and manifestations of the servers. Among the struggles and achievements of this period it is possible to describe: The Show Act for the implementation of the floor in front of the City Council; Debates on Municipal Curriculum Guidelines; Adhesion to the National Journey for the Floor and Career; Debate on the National Education Plan (PNE); Regulation of pedagogical advice – guarantee of special retirement (25 years) for all teachers working in schools; Conducting the debate from the creation of the Special Education Forum. In 2014 - Unified Servers Strike In 2014, another unified strike of the servers was carried out, however, the union leadership ceased to participate effectively in this moment, leaving the teachers without representation of the struggle in defense of the quality of education. ​ In 2015 - The country's biggest municipal civil service strike In 2015, CEPROL carried out the biggest strike of the municipal civil service and guarantees, through mobilization, the rights conquered. Among these rights: ​ No changes to the statutes and the Plan for Positions and Careers, which were objectives of the municipal administration, headed by Mayor Anibal Moacir (PSDB). ​ In addition, the city is moved by the strike, and education becomes the agenda of debate, at a time of democratic and national political crisis, with social and union movements taking to the streets to face neoliberal governments, which instead of dialogue used the power of the police to silence teachers. ​ One of this year's achievements was the approval of the Municipal Education Plan (Law No. 8,291, of June 24, 2015), in which the need for and commitment to quality education was reaffirmed. ​ KNOW HISTORY AND PRESERVE IT ​ Knowing history and preserving it is fundamental for the organization of the working class, as it allows us to show that it is through strengthening and union struggle that we advance in conquests. CEPROL Sindicato has expanded its struggle beyond municipal limits, contributing to movements in defense of quality education in the State and in the Country. Currently, it is essential to reflect on the achievements of the category, regarding their rights, through union organization, mobilizations, unity and facing the challenges posed in the daily life of the school. The union, as an instrument of organization and mobilization, showed determination and determination to defend the rights and valorization of teachers, which translates into the defense of quality education. IT IS OUR STRENGTH AND OUR VOICE, WITH COURAGE, TO FIGHT TOGETHER IN DEFENSE OF OUR RIGHTS AND QUALITY WORKERS' LIFE.

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